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Silvia C. Craig



Silvia Craig is passionate about using data-driven economic and policy research as a means of creating opportunities for self-actualization. Silvia first understood the importance of studying resource allocation for socioeconomic mobility through her own multicultural family. This theme extended into her gap year with the Global Citizen Year Fellowship. During this time, Silvia lived with various host families in Senegal and France.


While at the University of Chicago, Silvia double majored with a BSc in Computational & Applied Mathematics (CAAM) and a B.A. in Economics. Silvia has focused on learning how to use quasi-experimental methods for the identification of causal effects and model predictions. Through coursework and research assistant positions, Silvia has identified that she enjoys working on data-driven projects that challenge her to think critically and creatively on how to address structural issues. Silvia is curious about the balance between quantitative analysis and society. Silvia’s research interests include social welfare programs, social insurance, education, and labor. In the long term, Silvia aims to pursue a Ph.D in Economics.


 Additionally, Silvia is curious about the balance between data analysis and society. While quantitative methods are powerful, she is concerned about their limitations and misconceptions when it comes to addressing real world problems. Aside from her majors, Silvia has a minor in Media Arts & Design that specializes on the ethics and design of society's relationship with modern technologies and human rights.

Artist Statement

I have focused on studying economics and computational & applied mathematics as a means of addressing societal issues. Yet, I find that the strong assumptions and structure of data obscure a valuable human component. I am interested in the tradeoff between capturing the complexities of humans and the practicality of quantitative methods. 


Asides from my majors, I have taken on a media arts & design minor that focuses on reimaging our relationship with technology. Despite my growing concerns, I felt ill-equipped to speak on the subject of modern innovations. I have learned that this sentiment is shared and supported by the design of a larger system. I was able to create a curriculum that ranged from mathematical foundations in machine learning to a sequence on human rights. Most crucially were the courses that explored the implications and ethics of the Big Data and Digital Age. My studies have provided  concepts and vocabulary to express myself. I would like to share what I have learned with the general public in hopes to engage everyone into a conversation about design and self-determination.


To do so, I have participated in a symposium to argue for the need to expand our human rights doctrine, developed a series of papers, and created a website for guided self-reflection.


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